How to Display Category wise content with WP-featured-content-slider?
Well, WP-featured-content-slider is a good way to show small introduction along side a photo with sliding effect but some times we need to list only specific categories content on some specific page so, what to do then?
Its just easy 2 step customization in plugin files, see below.
Step 1:
Open "featured-content-slider.php" file of the plugin and do following customization in function called
add an argument "$atts" into the function if not exists. So it will looks like
Now add the following code in the function at starting.
Step 2:
Open file "content-slider.php" and then find for following code and change it
That's it one all done. now all you need to do is specify your category while writing short code like
All done! Enjoy coding...
Well, WP-featured-content-slider is a good way to show small introduction along side a photo with sliding effect but some times we need to list only specific categories content on some specific page so, what to do then?
Its just easy 2 step customization in plugin files, see below.
Step 1:
Open "featured-content-slider.php" file of the plugin and do following customization in function called
c_slider_insert($content = null)
add an argument "$atts" into the function if not exists. So it will looks like
function c_slider_insert($atts, $content = null)
Now add the following code in the function at starting.
extract( shortcode_atts( array( 'cat' => '' ), $atts) );
Step 2:
Open file "content-slider.php" and then find for following code and change it
$args = array( 'meta_key' => 'feat_slider', 'meta_value'=> '1', 'suppress_filters' => 0, 'post_type' => array('post', 'page'), 'orderby' => $c_slider_sort, 'order' => $c_slider_order, 'numberposts'=> $c_slider_post_limit);
$args = array( 'meta_key' => 'feat_slider', 'meta_value'=> '1', 'suppress_filters' => 0, 'post_type' => array('post', 'page'), 'category' => $cat, 'orderby' => $c_slider_sort, 'order' => $c_slider_order, 'numberposts'=> $c_slider_post_limit);
That's it one all done. now all you need to do is specify your category while writing short code like
[featslider cat=CATEGORY_SLUG]
All done! Enjoy coding...
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